Trauma Salon : thrill-seeking & thrombocytopenia

start over again. collect no more than you absolutely require and make more noise this time. bring nothing but instruments and fill in all the gaps.
ethics are bogus. relationships are jeopordized if you don't share similar eating habits. there is no good reason for any of this and if there was, you definitely won't find it on facebook since you can only tell 50 fucking people the news. however we know, immediately and uniquivocally, when it's worth it.
in such a way, we endlessly decrypt.
Hector Canonge :
Jason Anastasoff :
Clay Man :
a duet between dancer/mover Isabel Umali and sound artist/guitarist Dustin Carlson, it is a true collaboration, a piece constructed over the course of many rehearsals, conversations, and shared experiences. The movement and music conjure notions of mortality, the grotesque, temporality.
Feeding Goats :
Andrew Braddock :
Shawn Escarciga :