The Skin Tales / Los Cuentos de la piel, is part of the new series of performance art Immigrant Skin, performed by Niña Yhared, that is develop with the use of the body as a open map, and the written word and calligraphy.
"The skin is one of the largest organs in the body and in this performance is derived by scanning your marks, tears, creases, physical and emotional scars," said the artist.
The multimedia for this piece is a colaboration with the artists Myriam Beutelspacher and Minerva Hernández, members of Translab, Multimedia Center, of the National Arts Centre (Cenart), Mexico. NIÑA YHARED Niña Yhared is a visual and performance artist based in Mexico City, her work is being recognized both, nationally and abroad; also she specializes in the diffusion and promotion of the Action Art through her performance art gallery “The House of the Girl”. In 2013 she was part of the Brooklyn International Performance Art Festival, BIPAF, in the program NEXUSURNEXUS, New York. And in Latitud 32º N/55º S, in Berlin, Germany. Also In 2012 she presented her work in Rip Off III Festival, at Barcelona Spain. She has acted over 100 performances in México, EE.UU., Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, and Argentina. She earned her BA in Visual Arts at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving “La Esmeralda” belonging to the INBA. She has a Master Degree (MFA) in Visual Arts at the Academy of San Carlos, National School of Plastic Arts (ENAP), part of the UNAM. Now she is currently completing her PhD, in Visual Arts at (ENAP), part of the UNAM, with a research specialized in Performance Art. www.yhared.com
$5-15 suggest donation beer lovingly provided by Brooklyn Brewery